Have y’all read Octavia Butler‘s short story “The Book of Martha“ from the collection Bloodchild and Other Stories? Some good reflections on how, culturally, we picture God in there, and how interacting with the divine changes the main character Martha’s own expectations.

Also, it’s not what you’re going for, and I like the choices you’ve made, but one of my favorite abstract depictions of God the Father comes from the webcomic SMBC. God is always shown as a gold disk with seven triangles. https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/the-snake-show

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*LOVE* all of this! I’m still referencing old images as you mentioned when I think about God. God as a paternal figure; a larger than life male. But this misses so much mystery and inclusion of what else God is. I am more excited than ever to see this gem of a book you two have created, and look forward so much to the stories and illustrations.

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